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Emily Fjelstrom, MT-BC

Neurologic Music Therapy / Private Practice / Media Coordinator
Emily Fjelstrom, MT-BC
"Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand."
Stevie Wonder

Emily Fjelstrom, MT-BC, (she/her/hers) is a music therapist from Kingsburg, CA. She is a first-generation college graduate of the University of the Pacific Conservatory of Music in Stockton, CA, where she received her bachelor's degree in Music Therapy with a minor in Psychology. Emily completed her Music Therapy internship here with McConnell Music Therapy Services, focusing on medical pediatric units and the neonatal intensive care unit at Sutter Health in Sacramento. She currently continues her work in pediatric settings while also providing care to a variety of private clients in their homes.

Emily grew up in a home where music was constantly played and enjoyed. From jamming with her dad's rock band instruments as a young child, to blasting reggae in the care with her mom, to excelling in her middle and high school music programs, Emily always knew she would make a career out of music but wasn't sure how. When she stumbled upon a Ted Talk about the benefits of Music Therapy mere months from college applications being due, Emily was hooked. Having also been interested in mental health and human behavior, she was thrilled to learn how fluidly Psychology can intertwine with Music Therapy studies.

Emily now lives in Sacramento, CA with her husband and three crazy cats. She enjoys cooking and creating new recipes, tending to her garden, binging her favorite shows, and spending quality time at home in her pj's. Emily is always willing to take the time to help those around her, people and animals alike, anywhere she sees a need.